Thriveanooga – In Person Event for Catholic Youth Ministers

A one-of-a-kind, in-person event exclusively for Catholic youth ministry leaders.

SEPTEMBER 23-26, 2024

in chattanooga, tn


Find out more about Thriveanooga.

don't call it a conference.

SERIOUSLY, THRIVEanooga is Not a conference.

It's a highly-relational and truly interactive event created by youth ministers for youth ministers. We took everything we love about conferences, and added more of that. We also threw away the stuff we didn't love and added what we thought was missing. The end result was a two and half day event unlike anything else you've ever been to.
We call that result "Thriveanooga",
and we think you're going to love it!

"Everything about Thriveanooga felt exactly right. The conflab model that allowed for real expertise to be engaged and shared was perfect. Not once did I find myself being talked at or unseen. This experience was intimate and wonderful."Carol Wiget (Birmingham)

OVER THE Last 3 yearS, we've had youth ministers from over 60 dioceses take part in Thriveanooga!

"I have never felt so fed and inspired and seen in my ten years of ministry. At Thriveanooga, I found companions on this road of ministry who’ve lived the same experiences as me. The solidarity and support is second to none. The opportunity to be poured into rather than being the sole person pouring into others was invaluable."Megan Moore(Dubuque)

Sign up for Thrive Pro today and save $50 on Thriveanooga!FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THRIVE PRO

sponsors make
this event possible


And let's face it: most Catholic youth ministers don't have the budget (at their parish or personally) to pay a lot of money for an event like this – even though they desperately need it.

So we rely on generous sponsors to help us bring the cost of registration down without sacrificing the quality of the experience.

We expect to have 100 ministry leaders from across the country at Thriveanooga 2024.

If you're interested in sponsoring Thriveanooga 2024, please send us an email:



If you attended Thriveanooga in 2021, you'll get first dibs! But the window is short: only 48 hours!


THRIVE Diocesan Partners

If your diocese is a Thrive Partner, you've got a 24 hour head start to sign up for Thriveanooga!


THRIVE Pro Members

You have to be a Thriver to attend Thriveanooga, but if you're a PRO MEMBER, you'll get early access to register.



Enter your email address below to join the "Priority List" to make sure you get a chance to register before it sells out!


ALL Thrivers

If there's still spots available, registration will open on January 25th to the whole Thrive community!

    ADD YOUR EMAIL BELOW TO GET added to the priority list and be NOTIFIED when you're able to register for THRIVEANOOGA 2022!

    "​I had no idea how much I needed this experience. It was everything I hoped and prayed for, and then a whole lot more. I'm so thankful we were able to connect, share ideas, problem solve, and be spiritually fed in a way that I've never experienced before."Jill Alderfer(Jacksonville)

    sponsorship levels

    We've got ways for organizations of all sizes to partner with us to serve (and spoil) Catholic youth ministry leaders.The levels below are just the ideas we've come up with – if you have something different in mind, we'd love to hear it!

    All sponsors get listed on our website and a pre-event social media shoutout.

    We have special sponsorship packages for dioceses – click here for details.

    Title Sponsor

    This is the highest sponsorship level we offer. Your logo will go alongside the ProjectYM logo on all promotional material. When we talk about Thriveanooga, we'll announce that it is hosted by ProjectYM and your organization – we'll even open the doors for your team to be an active part of the event!

    You will receive:
    Presenting Credit – Your organization will be listed as one of two presenting organizations (ProjectYM being the other).
    Participant List – You'll get contact information and demographic data for all the event participants.
    Pre-Event Mailouts – Your promotional materials included in our pre-event participant packages.
    Welcome Bags – Your promotional materials included participant welcome bags.
    Promotional Moment – You'll get a 10 minute slot during the event to talk about your organization with everyone.
    Branded Swag – Your logo on all branded event swag/apparel.
    Two (2) FREE Thriveanooga registrations for you to give away to your followers / customers!

    Scholarship Sponsor

    We work hard to create an experience that is both incredibly valuable and easily accessible for all Catholic youth workers. In order to make the latter possible, we need your help in establishing a scholarship fund for youth workers from low income, under resourced, under represented, and/or marginalized communities.

    Youth ministry leaders who cannot afford the registration fee, will be able to easily apply online for funds from the "[YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME HERE] Scholarship Fund".

    This is also a great opportunity for foundations and individuals to play a big role in making Thriveanooga possible.

    You will also receive:
    Pre-Event Mailouts – Your promotional materials included in our pre-event participant packages.
    Welcome Bags – Your promotional materials included participant welcome bags.
    Promotional Moment – You'll get a 5 minute slot during the event to talk about your organization with everyone.
    Two (2) FREE Thriveanooga registrations for you to give away to your followers / customers!

    BAR Sponsor

    We've bought out our own bar for the event – and we want to name it after your organization! Just think: 100 ministry leaders can be hanging out each night in the "[YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME HERE] Bar".

    They'll even get a couple free drink tokens with your logo on them!

    You will also receive:
    Welcome Bags – Your promotional materials included participant welcome bags.
    Promotional Moment – You'll get a 5 minute slot during the event to talk about your organization with everyone.
    One (1) FREE Thriveanooga registration for you to give away to your followers / customers!

    Conflab Sponsor

    The days at Thriveanooga are spent in problem-solving sessions we call "conflabs" – and as a conflab sponsor you'll get to pick the topic of one of those conflabs!

    Even better, one of your team members will get to sit down with participants and unpack what it's discussed during that session.

    You will also receive:
    Thriveanooga Registration – One (1) Thriveanooga registrations for your member of your team to fully participate in Thriveanooga.
    Welcome Bags – Your promotional materials included participant welcome bags.
    Promotional Moment – You'll get a 5 minute slot during the event to talk about your organization with everyone.
    One (1) FREE Thriveanooga registration for you to give away to your followers / customers!

    Participating Sponsor

    This is a great opportunity for ministry organizations that want to send their members/leaders as participants in Thriveanooga. It's also a great way to show youth ministers that your organization really values them – it's incarnational ministry at its best!

    You will receive:
    Thriveanooga Registrations – Two (2) Thriveanooga registrations for your team members to fully participate in Thriveanooga.
    Welcome Bags – Your promotional materials included participant welcome bags.
    Promotional Moment – You'll get a 3 minute slot during the event to talk about your organization with everyone.
    One (1) FREE Thriveanooga registration for you to give away to your followers / customers!


    This year's event is heavily sports themed (in decor, games, and special surprises), so we'd love to give these all star youth ministers a high quality, professional style baseball jersey – but we can't do that without a sponsor.

    As our Jersey Sponsor, your organization's logo (and only your logo) will be featured prominently on the sleeve of the jersey.

    You will also receive:
    Thriveanooga Registrations – One (1) Thriveanooga registration for one of your team members to fully participate in Thriveanooga.
    Video Promo – We'll show a 1 minute video during the event to introduce your organization to everyone.
    Welcome Bags – Your promotional materials included participant welcome bags.
    Thriveanooga Jerseys – You'll get two (2) official Thriveanooga jerseys – with the option to purchase more.

    Surpise and Delight Sponsor

    In the middle of the event, a siren would go off and our team would deliver a delicious treat to all the participants from YOU.

    You'd be forever cemented in the brains of those leaders as the ministry that gave them free ice cream or fresh baked cookies. We'll also play a video message from your team.

    You will also receive:
    Video Promo – We'll show a 1 minute video during the event to introduce your organization to everyone.
    One (1) FREE Thriveanooga registration for you to give away to your followers / customers!

    LANYARD Sponsor

    Thriveanooga participants are required to wear their name badge at all times – which means you have the option to have them wearing YOUR LOGO all week!

    The Lanyard Sponsor's logo will be prominently featured on the name badge lanyard for all participants, staff members, and sponsors.

    You will also receive:
    Video Promo – We'll show a 1 minute video during the event to introduce your organization to everyone.

    Megaprize Sponsor

    All week long, participants will be competing for a shot at winning the:
    "[YOUR ORG NAME HERE] MegaPrize".

    We'll pull together an awesome prize pack of gifts created exclusively for youth ministry leaders. Every time we mention the MegaPrize (which is a LOT), we'll be plugging your organization.

    We'll also play a video message from your team the first day of the event.

    You will also receive:
    Video Promo – We'll show a 1 minute video during the event to introduce your organization to everyone.
    One (1) FREE Thriveanooga registration for you to give away to your followers / customers!

    Dinner Party Sponsor

    With community as the primary charism of ProjectYM, we are VERY intentional about creating moments for youth ministers to build community with others – especially in their "teams" (our version of small groups).

    This year, each team will have their own "Dinner Parties" – enjoying a meal in their own private dining room.

    As a Dinner Party Sponsor there will be a handwritten note from your organization waiting in each of the twelve (12) dining rooms thanking youth ministry leaders for the way they service to the church. (As well as any promotional materials you want to leave for them.)

    You will also receive:
    Video Promo – We'll show a 1 minute video during the event to introduce your organization to everyone.

    LUNCH Break Sponsor

    This year, lunch will be hosted at the Chattanooga Brewing Company's new bar!

    As a Lunch Break Sponsor, your organization will be front and center during our noontime meal: your logo on the screens, promotional materials on the table, and a personal shoutout from the event emcee.

    You will also receive:
    Video Promo – We'll show a 1 minute video during the event to introduce your organization to everyone.

    Snack Bar Sponsor

    Thriveanooga is all about spoiling youth ministers – one way we do that is by having an incredible snack bar setup all week offering delicious free snacks for all participants.

    Our Snack Bar Sponsor will be mentioned by name everytime we remind youth ministers to grab a snack. Plus you're organization's logo will be prominently featured at the snack bar all week – with space for promotional materials.

    As a bonus, we'll print your logo and all of our napkins for the week!

    MVP Sponsor

    Throughout the week, we'll be highlighting the awesomeness of participants with special MVP Trophies (plus prizes). This is your opportunity to get your organization mentioned along with that prize:

    "Today's [YOUR ORGANIZATION] MVP is ______ !"

    Plus you'll get your logo and URL on the screen during that presentation.

    "As ministers, we pour into others so much and so often; and there aren't always resources and ways for our own cups to be filled. You should come to Thriveanooga to be poured into, refreshed, renewed, and restored."Natalie Pronio(Baltimore)